Friday, April 6, 2007

Thoughts on Flooding

“Unfortunately the 4th Ward is below sea level which adds to the problem of flooding. I recommend a large capital investment in the infrastructure and definitely more interagency/intergovernmental cooperation between NJ Transit, North Hudson Sewage Authority, City of Hoboken and the County of Hudson.”

To achieve a genuine solution to this problem we need substantial funding and should seek funding from the Federal, State and County governments. Also, I believe developers seeking to exercise their rights as property owners should be made to contribute towards the funding needed to solve this problem and not be given a free ride as was done by past administrations.
When you really analyze the area under the proposed SW Plan today, what do we have? Numerous parking lots and underutilized buildings that provide no protection against flooding. The new development proposed in the plan will in-fact reduce the impact of storm water we experience today.
Let me get specific:
(1) Surface parking lots and older buildings allow for NO water to penetrate the soil.
(2) New building standards capture water on the roof and store it in tanks beneath the building prior to being discharged into the system. It holds water back and allows it to be released slowly, thus reducing backups.
(3) The Plan proposes green roofs and open space that will help reduce the amount of water that ends up in the system. Again, reducing backups. 4) New development will also be required to provide additional upgrades that currently are not in place.
I recognize that this solution cannot be achieved overnight so some short term plans are:
(A)Unclog our sewers more frequently
(B) With the use of modern technology we know when a storm is approaching so we must make sure the Hudson County Sewage Authority is ready with its equipment before the storm hits.”

I want to know your thoughts. Please leave a comment or suggestion

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